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Regional Manager, Confederation of Australian

Motor Sports (CAMS)​

​I started Pre-Primary in 1989 when JWACS first opened and was part of the foundation class that went from Pre-Primary through to Year 12.


I have so many fond memories from my time at John Wollaston. Sport was always a big part of school for me so the times spent on rugby tours and at training as well as at the various Inter-House and Inter-School carnivals such as swimming and touch rugby were real highlights.

Year 12 was also very special, knowing that I had achieved something special and was doing so with people who would be mates for life. Year 12 went so fast!

My subjects and teachers definitely helped set me up to get into university, and as a result I have been very fortunate to be able to pursue a career I love! My involvement in after-school sport and serving as a Prefect helped develop the leadership skills that I use to this day.  These skills have also helped me become a leader in my career. I think this carries over into life in general, too.

I have double Bachelor Degrees, having studied Mechanical Engineering and Commerce (with majors in Management and Marketing) at the University of Western Australia. I am now back at university studying part-time, doing a Masters of Business Administration which will help me in executive positions later in my career.


I’ve worked for three years at the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS), the peak governing body for motor sport in Australia, and am the Regional Manager for WA, South Australia and the Northern Territory.


My staff and I help to ensure that the sport is conducted in a safe and fair manner, and address strategies and projects for the growth of the sport.

I’ve been lucky to have been involved in motor sport from the grass roots level right through to the most elite levels, such as V8 Supercars and Formula 1. I have worked at the Australian Grand Prix and internationally at events such as the Korean Grand Prix.


Travel (locally and internationally), management, communication, working with people across the country (and the world), and having fun are all major aspects of my job.

I really advise John Wollaston students to put in the required time and effort, no matter what subjects they are doing, because it will set them up for life.


I know it can seem difficult to know where you want to head following school but sticking with it proves the benefits of determination to yourself – it doesn’t matter which path you want to take after graduation.


Get involved in ‘JWACS life’, too. For me it was sport but this doesn’t have to be the same for others. Get involved in activities around the school that happen outside of the classroom because this is where you will form friendships for life, develop skills in leadership, problem solving, communication and resilience – the ability to shine through tough times. These skills will set you up not only in your career but also in life.

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